Bg 11.30
lelihyase grasamanah samantal
lokan samagran vadanair jvaladbhih
tejobhir apurya jagat samagram
bhasas tavograh pratapanti visno
Word for word:
lelihyase — You are licking; grasamanah — devouring; samantat — from all directions; lokan — people; samagran — all; vadanaih — by the mouths; jvaladbhih — blazing; tejobhih — by effulgence; apurya — covering; jagat — the universe; samagram — all; bhasah — rays; tava — Your; ugrah — terrible; pratapanti — are scorching; visno — O all-pervading Lord.
O Visnu, I see You devouring all people from all sides with Your flaming mouths. Covering all the universe with Your effulgence, You are manifest with terrible, scorching rays.